Merry Christmas!

  This is a fantastic way to remember the true meaning of Christmas this Christmas eve. I’m grateful for Jesus Christ and love to remember Him, His birth, His example of kindness to all, His life, His Atonement and Sacrifice for each of us, and His resurrection bringing life beyond the grave to each ofContinueContinue reading “Merry Christmas!”

Ward Christmas Variety Show

The call went out to have a participants for a variety show for our ward church Christmas party in Port Angeles. I love Vocal Point and for years I thought it would be fun to do a skit to this number “Primarily Vocal Point”  (A cappella Tribute to Children’s Songbook Primary Songs). My only regretContinueContinue reading “Ward Christmas Variety Show”

My witness of a living Apostle of Jesus Christ

I have been blessed in my life to have had some wonderful examples, leaders, and friends. As I have thought today about someone who exemplifies Christlike service, my mission president, now an Apostle, Neil L. Andersen, has been on my mind. He was called at a young age to be a mission president. He stillContinueContinue reading “My witness of a living Apostle of Jesus Christ”