Notre Dame, Easter and the hope of resurrection

We’ve all received shocking news. Yesterday seeing images of Notre Dame in Paris with flames shooting out of the roof was shocking. This morning I received a phone call notifying me that someone very dear to me had passed away.  I can imagine how shocking the news might have been when Mary came to theContinueContinue reading “Notre Dame, Easter and the hope of resurrection”

Unexpected trip to Paris

Often my posts are serious. I might write about something that I’ve been pondering for quite some time before I put it into words. Occasionally however, they are humorous, like my post on finding a Diet Coke in France.  This one is a little more on the light side and it’s just a memory that IContinueContinue reading “Unexpected trip to Paris”

Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Heather

This is the final post of the series of the testimonies of some of my family members of The Book of Mormon. They had written these testimonies of the Book of Mormon while I was a missionary in France. They were then mailed to me, I translated them into French, hand-wrote them in the frontContinueContinue reading “Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Heather”

Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Andrea

My series continues as I share a few testimonies of the Book of Mormon from some of my family. As I had said in my previous blog posts, I had some family members who had written their testimonies of the Book of Mormon while I was a missionary in Southern France. These testimonies were givenContinueContinue reading “Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Andrea”

Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Chantel

My series of testimonies of the Book of Mormon continues with another testimony of a family member. As I had said in the previous blog post, some of my family members had written down their testimonies of the Book of Mormon while I was a missionary in France. These testimonies were given to me, IContinueContinue reading “Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Chantel”

Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Joshua

My series continues today with another testimony of a family member. As I had said in the previous blog, some of my family members had written down their testimonies of the Book of Mormon while I was a missionary in France. These testimonies were given to me, I then translated them into French and hand-wroteContinueContinue reading “Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Joshua”

Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Eldred

Yesterday I posted on my blog about a number of testimonies my family members had written while I was a missionary in France.  These testimonies were given to me, I translated them into French, hand-wrote them in the front of a copy of the Book of Mormon (Le Livre de Mormon), and gave them toContinueContinue reading “Testimonies of the Book of Mormon – Eldred”

Testimony of the Book of Mormon – Joan

Recently I came across some testimonies of the Book of Mormon that had been given to me when I was a missionary serving in France. These testimonies were from some of my family members.  I had taken them, translated them into French, hand-wrote them in the front of a copy of the Book of MormonContinueContinue reading “Testimony of the Book of Mormon – Joan”