Million Dollar Bribe

Life is hard. Starting a business isn’t easy. In November 2007 I decided to quit a good-paying job that I hated, and take a crack again at starting another business. I’ve started several. Most have failed. I’ve been blessed and my company Professional Cable is still running almost 10 years later.  We supply cables suchContinueContinue reading “Million Dollar Bribe”

By D Grace of God – from Scammer to Saint

My friend Ben is a good guy, but this story is truly amazing. I got to know Ben when he worked for Weber State. We were at a trade show in Madison, WI and a group of us from Utah decided to drive down to Nauvoo, IL after the trade show and visit the ChurchContinueContinue reading “By D Grace of God – from Scammer to Saint”

Bike Helmets in Tours, France

I served my mission before bike helmets were much of a thing. About half-way through my mission, we had a mandatory bike helmet rule and we were issued some very unfashionable bike helmets. So not only were the helmets not very flattering; big white and red helmets, but people were not used to seeing people wear bikeContinueContinue reading “Bike Helmets in Tours, France”

Abducted at Gunpoint

Those who know me know that I love cars and that I love to tell a good joke, especially if it sounds like a true story and ends up with a great pun. Well, this story, while it involves a cool car, isn’t a joke. It really happened to me. In February 1991 I wasContinueContinue reading “Abducted at Gunpoint”

He numbereth his sheep

As a Mormon missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you meet a lot of people over the course of your two years. (The men serve for two years and the women serve for 18 months.)  There are certain people you meet who stay with you. As a faithful member of theContinueContinue reading “He numbereth his sheep”

The search for Diet Coke in France

Those of you who know me, will not be surprised if I told you that while in France recently, I was on a quest to find a fountain-drink Diet Coke. What may surprise you is that in 1992 I was on this same quest! From my missionary journal.  8 July 1992 – Angoulême, France  SoContinueContinue reading “The search for Diet Coke in France”


I was driving home last night listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio. I really enjoy listening to him and find that his counsel to callers is usually spot on. He is a big believer in tithing and was counseling a caller to pay 10% of their income to their local church. The person then said theyContinueContinue reading “Tithing”

Blood on the Bridge, Tours, France

From my missionary journal. Tours, France. 28 August 1992 – Tours, France Bonsoir, Well, today was interesting. The morning was blah. Tons of rude people. I got very discouraged. This afternoon was so-so. We taught a guy and he didn’t pay attention. Frustrating. Coming back from the area we always cross two bridges. Today weContinueContinue reading “Blood on the Bridge, Tours, France”

Stolen Missionary Journal

I served as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) in the France Bordeaux mission from May 15, 1991, to May 5, 1993. As I have thought about some of my experiences on my mission, I have thought that it would be good to share a few select experiences on myContinueContinue reading “Stolen Missionary Journal”

Change in LDS Leadership

Change in LDS leadership is interesting and unique and unlike any other religious organization. Most churches have a priest or some type of leadership for their local parish. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the local leaders are all lay leaders. They are just regular members of the congregation who serve forContinueContinue reading “Change in LDS Leadership”